We offer a variaty of pre-engineered options for your convience. Our enclosures are engineer stamped and guaranteed. SmartBox Technology integrates optional control systems to protect against human error and make the enclosures and testing process easy to manage. There are a variety of options available for controls, and accessories that best fit your needs.
Our Smart Box™ design and technology make our testing enclosures the safest and most functional enclosures available. Specialized features such as door and lock sensors, air pressure safety switches, IP video cameras and DVR systems, and pneumatic driven doors and door locks create a work and testing environment that is not only the safest possible, but functional and efficient for optimum throughput. There are three main types of controls which can be configured in various ways depending on your needs. All control system are designed to sense that all doors are properly closed and locked, and allow the system to provide testing pressure once all safety measures are met. Other control features are available depending on your specific criteria and needs.
At RBI, we manufacture our own hinges for superior strength and ease of use. Any system is only as strong as its weakest point. In many cases, that is the door hinges. Standard heavy-duty butt hinges or pin hinges are usually far weaker than the rest of the enclosure, and can make the door, which can weigh hundreds or even thousands of pounds, too difficult to open and close. Our hinges are specifically engineered to actually make the enclosure stronger, and - using specially designed bearings - make our large strong doors as easy to open as a home refrigerator.
RBI Pressure testing enclosures come standard with many safety and functional features, such as blast hinges, top bracing systems, proximity door and lock sensors and more. In addition, there are several optional items that are commonly added. These options are designed to meet your specific testing needs.